Reference tools and vocabulary online


Online dictionaries


Here are a selection of online dictionaries:




Longman Online Dictionary (UK)

The Cambridge Online Dictionary (UK)

The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary (US) (US)

Free Dictionary (US)



Idioms Site

Word Spy: Neoligisms 


Internet Slang Dictionary





Cambridge Business English Dictionary (US)

Glossary of financial & business terms (US)

Investopedia Financia Dictionary 

The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary




Lingro Go to the site and add the URL of a website. The new link takes you to the page but now doubling clicking on any word will produce a definition in your chosen language.

Linguee Bilingual German/English & English/German Dictionary

Leo Bilingual German/English & English/German Dictionary German-English Dictionary 



Visual & other resources


Shahi: A visual Dictionary

Merriam Webster's Visual Dictionary

Visuwords: A graphic dictionary

Visual Thesaurus

Vocab Grabber

howjsay: A talking Dictionary

Encyclopeadia Britannica

Enchanted Learning Picture Dictionary (suitable for children)

The Internet Picture Dictionary (suitable for children)



Sample vocabulary resources for teachers & learners




Compleat Lexical Tutor

Six Online Corpora




Confusables This activity on words that can be easily confused is provided by When you've completed the exercise click on PART I and PART III at the bottom of the page for further exercises in this area.


Business collocations


Business collocations: This is a link to a short activity from the website focusess on six commonly used business collocations (that is words that go naturally together), in this case verb + noun combinations.


Vocabulary tests


Vocabulary tests: This is a link to 45 short vocabulary tests based on the Longman's business English course books Intelligent Business. Start by clicking on Unit 1 in the Pre-intermediate column and when the pop-up window appears, answer the 10 questions. Your score will then appear as a percentage and you then have the possibility of re-doing the test by clicking "Reset" or seeing the answers by clicking "Answers".


Interactive business vocabulary exercises


Business Vision: Here are a series of online interactive business vocabulary exercises based on the Oxford University Press course book Business Vision (Intermediate). Only the units that do not require you to have the course book have been listed here:


Unit 1: Images of business

Unit 2: Change

Unit 3: Advertising

Unit 4: Trade and Ethics (pronunciation)

Unit 7: Travel (error correction: extra word)

Unit 8: Products (error correction: extra word)

Unit 9: Transactions (pronunciation)

Unit 10: Customers (error correction: extra word)


A word a day


English Daily: This is a daily activity offered on the website, where you'll also find helpful short activities such as Daily Grammar and Daily Business Exercises, which provides quick tutorials and practice activities for a range of functional business language used in, for example meetings, etc. 


Business idioms


Business idioms: This is a link to an activity on the website that focuses on 20 commonly used business idioms.


And here's link to a page where you can learn a new business idiom every day: learn-english-today




Money: Try this money quiz from the website. On this website you'll also find a wealth of other resources for improving your English. For example there's a wide range of Grammar Quizzes, Phrasal verb quizzes, (here's one for phrasal verbs with the word "cut", many of which are often used in business), and so on.