Biz-e-tech training / M Learning

M Learning

Page history last edited by Carl Dowse 14 years, 7 months ago

Further reading and resources


Mobile ESL


Informative blog from Sheffield University based teacher on learning and teaching ESL using mobile phones - a good place to start!


Mobile learning: The Big Picture


Series of 4 (so far) blog posts from Nicky Hockly on developments in m-learning that focusses in particular on the use of phones for in-class and independent learning. With a sound pedagogical perspective on the topic these posts provide plenty of food for thought for using phones with our business English students.


From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning


A conversation about integrating student cell phones into classroom curricula.


Teaching the mobile generation


Nicky Hockley's talk at IATEFL 2010: "Learners are coming to class increasingly wired up: iPods, MP3 players, mobile phones, digital cameras... How can teachers integrate this technology into classroom teaching? This workshop looks at some of the resources that students can access on their mobile devices, and also at the video and audio that they themselves can produce in class, using mobile technology."


Things you should know about mobile apps for learning


A useful introductory document from EDUCAUSE based on the following premise: "Because m-learning utilizes a variety of devices, many of which are ubiquitous in the lives of students, it can foster student engagement and offer opportunities to make learning integral to daily life."




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