Biz-e-tech training / YouTube


Page history last edited by Carl Dowse 12 years, 10 months ago



Finding videos



Viewing options




Is downloading from YouTube ethical?


“There is a huge amount of incentive for any teacher to download clips from YouTube. But should we do it? Well, that's up to you. If you do so, you will be breaking the terms of service. Does that mean that you will be breaking the law? Well that is unclear.>My own personal code is that I am willing to break the YouTube Terms of Service and use clips for teaching purposes. As long as we aren't making money out of the content that we capture, then I feel that there is no moral issue here. …>Some people might think that this is a bit naughty - like breaking the speed limit. Perhaps I am taking an everyone-else-does-it-so-I-will-too attitude. But I would disagree. Breaking speed limits can be dangerous. For the reasons outlined above, downloading clips may be necessary.”


James Keddie


Downloading tools



File converters



Video players



Movie Editing



YouTube Trends



Using Video in the Classroom




1. Don't over use the video aspect. Good teachers are eclectic. There is a huge range of resources and activity types that we can draw from.

2. Do your best to choose clips that will be as engaging as possible for your learners.

3. Choose short clips and aim to have a maximum of 8 minutes video time during a 90 minute lesson. This prevents the class from turning into a cinema.

4. Create activities and plan lessons which require that learners will interact with the video content you use.

5. Get to know your technology.

6. Always have a backup plan for when the technology fails.


James Keddie


Recording students



Sample video in the classroom activity



Screencasting (free tools)






Further reading



Alternatives to YouTube



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