Biz-e-tech training / Awesome Highlighter

Awesome Highlighter

Page history last edited by Carl Dowse 15 years, 8 months ago

As the name suggests, Awseome Highlighter is a tool you can use to highlight web pages. When you're finished, it generates a URL to the highlighted page which you can then share with anyone you like. Here is an example I quickly prepared:


Notice you can also leave notes on the page. To try this find a web page of interest and then go here: Awseome Highlighter


Suggestions and specific ideas for how to use this tool here please:


-Here is an example from a BEC Vantage class in Argentina reading The Economist. The aim of the activity is to incorporate vocabulary to describe current economy trends in Argentina and the world. Students highlight words which are not present in their course books, but they find them necessary to describe their working context.






Comments (2) said

at 9:08 pm on Sep 7, 2010

hmm is it just me and my Mac or is there something wrong with AH access. I get an error code when trying to access .

Carl Dowse said

at 9:22 pm on Sep 7, 2010


No, the page is not opening for me either. Could it be that the tool is no longer in existence - I haven't used it in a while as my social bookmarking tool Diigo has the same feature built in.


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