Biz-e-tech training / Pageflakes


Page history last edited by Carl Dowse 14 years, 7 months ago

Pageflakes is a relatively new (free) application which allows you to accumulate and keep tabs on your favourite websites, blogs etc. in one web location, which, if you choose to, you can then set up as your start page when you open up your browser. This short video shows what it looks like and explains how it can be of benefit to busy teachers trying to keep on eye on developments in the fast moving world of teaching technology.


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Note that the ability to add multiple pages means that you could, fro example, have a page dedicated to keeping track on your learner blogs. This would mean that you can check the progress on several blogs without having to visit each one separately - a great time saver! Note too how useful this could be for your own personal development, as it provides a quick visual check on blogs, etc, that you have chosen to follow.


Alternatives to Pageflakes include iGoogle. Here's a short video that briefly showcases this aggregator:


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Another aggregator with a user-friendly interface is Netvibes, which again you might like to explore. You could conceivably use any one of these applications to quickly build not only a start up page, but actually your own personalised web site!


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